Sourcing Solutions

Authorised Distributor

Ecom provides customers with appropriate electronic components, at the same time, we can provide customers with a series of support: provide specifications, samples, pre-sales engineer consultation and solutions, product selection, after-sales technical support and clients customization.In addition, stable production capacity enables us meet customer demand of stock and lead time

Market Insight

Being a components supplier with global distribution networks, we sit at the crossroads of supply and demand, to help our clients achieve their goals. ECOM's extensive market knowledge, experience, and connections allow us to predict component shortage as well as surplus. Our approach allows us to react and advise you before price or production are impacted.

Global factory network sourcing solutions

ECOM has established a sourcing solution network with OEM/ODM/EMS, specializing in providing shortage,EOL and hard-to-find components, to ensure customers timely delivery of orders, and ensure the smooth production.

Data & Science

At ECOM, we don't just use our supply chain to provide the best products for our customers.Most importantly, we use decades of experiences and foresight to guide our clients through market dynamics analysis. Our global network helps us gather data on supply and demand, and helps our clients match demand to solve the business problems they face.At the same time, we use data analysis for supplier management and quality control to ensure efficient and positive results.

Authorised Distributor

Market Insight

Global factory network sourcing solutions

Data & Science